Serenity MiniKit Crystal Set - Morganna’s Treasures
Serenity MiniKit Crystal Set - Morganna’s Treasures
Morganna’s Treasures

Serenity MiniKit Crystal Set

Precio habitual $5.99 $0.00

Serenity MiniKit


Fluorite - Concentration   

Amethyst - Cleansing 

Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone.  It is very useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy.  This stone increases your intuitive abilities.  It is very popular with energy healers due to its ability to clear the aura of toxic energies.  Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment, protecting the wearer. 

Purple Amethyst encourages inner strength while transforming negative energy into love energy.  A natural stress reliever, Amethyst is very powerful and protective of its wearer.  This stone also assists in developing psychic abilities and assists in alleviating headaches.

Stones may vary in color.  Stones measure 3/4 of an inch to 1 inch.

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